Beautiful, Courageous You

Why “Beautiful, Courageous You…?”

Lauralee’s message is so valuable. Each page aims to shed light into the dark corners of hopelessness and her faith is that it will spill over a woman found crouching there and fill her with the life she so deserves.

Why Beautiful, Courageous You…?

Lauralee resides on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia with her husband Lee and
two daughters! She loves a good coffee and believes the fact that God created coffee beans is proof that He loves us, Lauralee delights in a dab of marshmallow oil behind her ears and kisses from her children.

Her background is a blend of Health Science and Outdoor Education her passion lies in the journey (crevice if you will) between inspiring others towards, and then the attainment of, living an astonishing life. As an author, she has learned that writing cannot be forced but rather must be inspired. It is through this inspiration that she writes this blog and has written her book ‘Beautiful, Courageous You’.

Lauralee writes because it is healing for her and brings hope to others… ‘my journey is still that, a journey, some days I am living a life of astonishing joy and other days I am left astonished at the elusive nature of joy – nevertheless my joy is full whether I ‘feel’ it or not. My soul is anchored in a joy so deep that it cannot be moved no matter what storms rage across the ocean of life.’

In her words, Lauralee has had an ‘upsy-daisy kind of life’, but praises God that through it all she has a heart bursting with Hope!  Most of what she writes about is a real and raw journey through suicidal depression, anxiety & grief, her writing is purposed in a way that is not to bring you down but to bring you UP and fill your heart to brimming over with Hope.

After the loss of twin baby girls and then a baby boy, her joy was gone as she slipped into a pit of despair, never did she  think it would be possible to survive such tragedy, let alone that her life would return to one filled with peace and happiness. This is Lauralee’s story, and her hope is that you, the reader,  will consider her  well ‘qualified’, by her  personal journey, to offer comfort and hope into your life.

Come with her. Refuse to see yourself defeated, it is time to rise up and take steps towards the Beautiful, Courageous YOU that you were created to be.


71 thoughts on “Why “Beautiful, Courageous You…?”

  1. I won’t be offended if you don’t want to answer, but how did you lose your three children? What a horrible thing to have to go through! God bless you, and you are a strong person, in Him, to be able to come out of all of that looking up. Thank God the time is close, you will be reunited with them at last.

    • Hi Lyn. Thank you for your interest in me! My posts go into some detail as to how I lost my babies “Affliction Eclipsed By Glory” & “A Gift… Peace of Mind & Heart”. Yes it is in Him that I realise we (women) are truly Beautiful & Courageous… I did not ‘look up’ for quite a while as unbelief & doubt reigned. I do, with all my being, long for the day that I hold my babies… you think it’s close? I HOPE you are right. Lovely to ‘meet you’ XX

      • Yes. Judging by the signs the Bible gives to us, the time is very near. I’ll check out those articles, and thanks for your reply! God bless you ,and lovely to meet you, too!

  2. Your blog is a real blessing. I also had a difficult time with depression – although I can’t imagine experiencing the loss of children. If I don’t already have your button on my site, I definitely will do that! I was wondering if I you would consider me for a guest post? Do you have an email I could send it to? Here is a little clip of an unpublished post:

    Unchecked Concern quickly corrupts into unchecked anxiety. And that unchecked anxiety – it squeezed the vibrancy out of my faith in God. I divorced my faith in God from the abundant, consuming fears that silently dictated every thought and action.

    I lived apologetically. In fear. And without hope of change.

    But finally, I shriveled underneath the unattended weight of my sin. I unraveled. All of my unchecked anxiety plummeted into my hearts abyss. And my own strength was largely inadequate to breath life back into my soul.

    Panic attacks dictated my days. A severe neck spasm disabled me. My blood pressure soared. Sleep eluded me.

    Those days highlight the darkness of my own depravity……

  3. Didn’t see a button so I grabbed your link.

  4. Romans 15:13
    Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

    Kind Regards

  5. Hello! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for visiting and following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  6. Are you up for another award? I’ve nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award – sooooo much easier than the last one! I absolutely loved your answers on the last one by the way. Check out the simple rules later today on my website, blessings my sweet friend!

  7. beautiful blog…thank you for visiting my page! I look forward to reading and getting to know you more. God’s best!

  8. I can’t imagine what you went through. But you are now such a beautiful testimony of God’s redemptive love and grace. Many blessings to you for sharing your story, and what you’ve learned through it all, which I’m sure will give many others hope, healing, and freedom, You are a blessing. 🙂

  9. What a beautiful witness of faith and taking steps to freedom and healing. God bless you.

  10. I wanted you to know that nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! To find out more about that, you can see my upcoming post (11.1.13) when it gets published. You don’t have to accept it, but either way, I wanted to bless you and that, by doing so, more people will see what you have to say. 🙂 Mel

  11. Hi Layralee, I want to let you know that I am passing on an Inner Peace award to you. There is only an acceptance statement required — no complicated forms or questions — you already did all the work I needed to see. Thanks for having a terrific inspiring blog Layralee!

    Click after 11 AM USA EST tomorrow, 11/12/2013, to access the award posting.
    🙂 😉 🙂
    ~ Eric

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog. And your words – “outrageously loved” (by Jesus) – are probably the most awesome words outside of the Bible!

  13. Blog 2013 Award
    I will post for TOMORROW, the awards for Blog of the Year (2013)
    It is in my que until 10 AM US-DST

    When the post opens (tomorrow), you’ll find theinstructions and all in it.

    ~ Eric

  14. Praise God that He sets people free … it is for FREEDOM He sets us FREE!! I am encouraged that you have found Freedom! God is good no matter what we are walking through. I love that he allows us to take hold of Him through the pain, and allows us an opportunity for growth. He teaches us it is all about Him. About Him in us and Him responding out of us. May your relationship with Him continue to flourish and may He continue to bless you with freedom, and an increased measure of Him in you.
    Can’t wait to walk this journey with you in encouragement and love.
    Natalie 🙂

  15. Please let me tell you how sorry I am for the losses of your children. I can not imagine what it was like for you to go through such pain and depression. I will share no theological words in this reply, just the words that I have already written. Your story will become a prayer point in my church. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus, comfort you with all of His Glory. John 17:3, ETS

    • Thank you for your kind words, I love how our Lord takes our life journey & inspires others towards a deeper intimacy in Him. In my darkest days I ‘pitched my tent’ on Romans 8:28. Today I am happy to live questions. Bless you abundantly my friend x

      • I have thought about you almost endlessly since I first read your story about the deaths of your children. My wife and I feel great sympathy for you. Did you write about your losses? Please know that the word “loss” is something that most people take too lightly. I have preached on that subject. It is a loss, that can never be recovered, and nothing can replace it. When we get to heaven we will know out loved ones, but that can be a long time ahead. Can you tell me how you have dealt with the mental pain that must have resulted. Of course, I don’t want you to feel like you have to do any of the things that I have asked of you. It’s just that I am often in the company of someone who has suffered similar losses. A woman in my church recently had to deal with her daughters loss of a still born baby. I have suffered the loss of a child. All of these things are totally uncalled for, and cause mental pain beyond measure. (John 17:3)
        If you so desire, you can email me for a more private conversation. Names and email addesses are kept very
        confidentially. Blessings.

      • Hi again! Your kindness and thoughtfulness is overwhelming – thank you. I have written about my losses, my book is in progress, I had several prophetic words about ‘writing my life story… to bring hope to the hopeless & light to the dark’ so I started writing & have had several setbacks (think this means the enemy doesn’t approve of what I am doing 😉 but I have pushed on & writing the final chapter. A couple of my posts go into some detail as to how I lost my babies “Affliction Eclipsed By Glory” & “A Gift… Peace of Mind & Heart”. In regards to healing, the entire book has covered what steps I have taken to heal body, soul & spirit. In particular, profound healing began when I joined a small prayer group of ladies. They didn’t spiritualise my pain or give me a Bible bashing they simply loved me, got in the trench with me & offered hope. The very worst thing to do, in my opinion, is to try to have answers or gloss over the pain. My greatest moment was when one of the ladies looked me in the eye & said ‘you are going to be okay, I don’t know how or when but I know you will smile again’. Daily I must choose to trust in God (some days that’s easier than other’s) but I choose to believe that He is good FULL STOP :-). Great to chat with you. Much love to you & your wife x

  16. Thank you for sharing this article quite interesting and, hopefully true happiness rays began to warm our hearts, when we can share it with sincerity. Greetings from Gede Prama 🙂

  17. considering dreaming about excellence tonight…

    YAY! I’m giving the excellence awards tomorrow…

    Your blog is on my list of EXCELLENCE blogs and here is an award to demonstrate my sincere gratitude:
    The link is scheduled in my posts at USA Eastern Time NOON – on 1/24/2014 (tomorrow).
    You can copy the badge and have some fun with giving the award to others too!
    ~ Eric

  18. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I look forward to hearing about your journey.
    A Servant
    P.S. Next week I’ll be introducing a new blog idea and will be asking for input. I sure would like for you to chime in with what you think.

  19. Oh my goodness. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. Full stop.

    It resonates in so many ways, such encouragement and ok I will definitely be following your posts closely! Amazing blog Lauralee!

  20. Hi Lauralee! I believe I’ve reached out to you in the past couple weeks (if so, I apologize for the duplication!). I’m with, a leading online therapist directory and mental health resource. We published a roundup of the best blogs related to postpartum and maternal depression, and yours was one of our favorites! You can read the post here:

    As a thank-you for all the work you do, I’d like to offer a seal to put on your blog that shows others you are recommended by Please email me so I can give you the HTML code to paste into your blog template!

    I look forward to hearing from you soon!
    Best wishes,
    Jo Sahlin

    • Hi Jo! Apologies… I don’t seem to have a previous message from you? Wow what an honour to be placed in your ’round up’ – thank you for your support 🙂 .

      I have had a browse at, what a wonderful resource! I would be pleased to help out in any way I can and, yes a seal for my blog sounds wonderful.

      Have an amazing day

      Lauralee Berrill

  21. Sometimes the people God hits hardest are the ones He plans on blessing most (in the Spirit, that is). See Hebrews 12:1-13. Stay blessed, God’s love is upon you in an incredible way!

    • Thank you for your encouraging words :-). Some days I am stronger in my faith than other days but I am learning to trust Him. It really blessed me to read ‘God’s love is upon you in an incredible way’… thank you I will cling to this. Much blessings to you and your family!

  22. thank you for liking my post. Your blog is very lovely

  23. Your joy is overflowing. I am so glad I stumbled on your blog this morning. Thanks for the encouragement to face another busy day. meghan

  24. Hello Laura. As the year comes to a close, my heart goes out to friends like you who have faithfully kept vigil at the door of my blog, although I have not been equally generous. May the Lord abundantly bless you and yours and may He fill you with His sunshine particularly during this Christmas holiday season.

  25. Hello Zakaria. It has been an honour to follow your blog – I am truly blessed by it! May I ask you to pray for me? I am feeling heavy in my heart and battling some fear-laden thoughts. 😦 I guess I must be taking enemy territory & he doesn’t like it. May you and your family be blessed beyond measure this Christmas and I look forward to a wonderful 2015 with you here in ‘blog world’. x

  26. Thanks for liking some of my blog posts. May God bless you in 2015.

  27. Hi Lauralee,
    I have am so glad to see that you started following my blog. I have so enjoyed reading your blog. I can’t imagine what faith and inner strength it took to mourn the loss of three children. Finding the love, hope of family and faith in God to find joy and move forward. You sound like an amazing lady that I am glad to learn to know.Happy New Year!

  28. Oh how beautiful your blog is. I’ve been here just minutes and yet I can already feel the warmth and light through your words.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Love and light to you.

  29. For some reason you haven’t come up in my blog post feeder lately. I was doing some changes to my blog, when I saw your pretty face next to one of your comments and I thought gosh I miss her. I am relieved to find you’re still blogging. Blessings xx

  30. Great opening page of introduction, and an inspiring testimony springing from events that some never recover from.

    Truly the grace of God has found a fertile garden spot.

  31. Tkx for letting me know. 😉

    May God bless you richly as He has.

  32. I love your blog…I know so many people who battle depression.

  33. Hi I am like you herd your story on vision would love to get two copies of your book.

  34. Hi i heard yr story on faith fm this morning
    I live in nsw
    I have a number of friends who have lost children in the last couple of years and Think they would appreciate yr similar story ( I am so sorry for your loss xx)
    I heard that you travel around doing talks etc I would love if you could come to our town if you could contact me that would be amazing thanku so much for telling your story and being there for people grieving look forward to talking with u thanku Celia

  35. I am enjoying your book. I could write a book on my life. I know God has put me through so I could help others. Having suffered childhood abuse ending up a ward of the state married went out west children and a miss carriage and loss of one of my first set of twins. Husband breaking his neck in a work accident moving back to Brisbane. Kerry my husband resigned from work got dsp. Found internet Kerry got led the wrong way arrested chased me and our twins away. Councillors safe houses God sovern hand guiding all the way. We are back together coping with Kerry’s depression often drives me back into mine. I have been blessed by a Christian councillor. As in Psalmn 23 although I walk thorough the valley of death I feel no evil.

  36. How can i buy your book?

  37. I was listening to Radio Station 94.1 South Coast NSW Christian Radio Station and was deeply moved by your story, was in tears as I listened, Thank you I have just put in a order for 2 books of Beautiful Courageous You, one for myself and one for my daughter who has been suffering from depression and anxiety for over 20 years and is now 42, I am a christian but she is not, still counting on the Lord to bring her to himself.
    Thank you so much for your story. God bless you,

    • Hi Carole,
      Thank you for your encouraging words. My heart bursts with joy knowing that you have ordered “Beautiful, Courageous You” because I know that His goodness rests upon every page and that my testimony carries a spirit of prophecy… meaning, what He has done in my life – He will repeat the miracle :-). Rev 19:10.

      Bless you and your daughter and please do let me know how you go with reading!! X

  38. I’m a little late to the party … I came across your blog by “accident.” Love your words: writing cannot be forced but rather must be inspired. God bless you and may you continue to stay true to yourself and keep writing.

    • Hi Mary,

      Thank you for your encouragement 🙂 I have had a long sabbatical an stopped writing for sometime now. I felt God was stirring my spirit to start again, jumped on here and found your lovely words. Thank you x

  39. Thanks for following my site; you are very kind

  40. You may remember me as Equipping The Saints. It is good to run across you again.

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