Beautiful, Courageous You

Beauty Re-defined


re-defining beauty

Enough said really… go ahead, be beautiful in your own unique way X

Author: beautifulcourageousyou

About me hmmm... Happily married with two children, also the mum of three little ones in Heaven; twin girls and a baby boy. What matters most to me in life; Faith, Family & Fun! By God's Grace I have overcome extreme depression. As I share my journey with you I pray you will be inspired to live a life with vision and purpose, my passion is to offer hope to women young and old. I want to shout across the globe to every woman on the planet "you are Beautiful, you are Courageous" and you are outrageously loved!!

5 thoughts on “Beauty Re-defined

  1. What a nice way to start my day, seeing this first thing. Thank you!

  2. Her beauty came from within and radiance on the outside. That’s beautiful. What encouragement! So many times we want the outer appearance to be flawless. When radiance comes from within it does not fade. Blessings to you for this one.

  3. Thankyou for such beautiful words.

  4. When I was in High School, I had a friend who was not ‘beautiful’, and you know how important looks are when you are a teenager. My friend had a hooked nose, but she had such a great personality, was vivacious and outgoing and made others feel so good about themselves, we all just looked past her ‘unbecoming’ nose. She was a great person.

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